Insurance which pays a sum of money which can be used to repay a mortgage (or loan) if you die during the term of the policy.
Living Costs
Insurance which pays a guaranteed and fixed sum of money if you die during the term of the policy which can be used to provide for living expenses or any other purposes.
Mortgage and Living costs
Insurance which pays a guaranteed and fixed sum of money if you die during the term of the policy which can be used to repay a mortgage (or loan) and any other purposes including covering future living expenses.
Interest only (level)
With an interest only (level) mortgage the sum of money outstanding remains the same throughout the period of the mortgage and therefore the policy quoted will be a level term life insurance where the amount that is paid out if you die within the term of the policy stays the same. It provides certainty as both the cover and premiums are fixed from the date you start paying the premiums until the end of the policy term.
Repayment (decreasing)
With a capital repayment (decreasing) mortgage the sum of money outstanding reduces over time. Therefore the policy quoted is a decreasing life insurance policy where the sum of money paid out if you die within the term of the policy also reduces over the term of the policy.
Amount of cover (also called total sum assured). This is the value that would be paid; For Level policies, the event of death (or diagnosis of terminal or specified critical illness if included). For Decreasing policies, the initial amount to cover your mortgage in the event of death (or diagnosis of terminal or specified critical illness if included). This amount decreases during the term and is designed to meet the outstanding amount of your mortgage at any point during the term.
You choose how long you want your policy to last. Think about the age of any children who depend on you financially or the time left on unprotected loan payments. If you're protecting your mortgage, consider the number of years left until your mortgage ends.
You choose whether this policy is just to cover yourself or whether you would like to take out a joint application to cover both your life and someone else's life, such as a partner's life.
If you take out a joint application the policy will only pay out once when the first person dies (or diagnosis of terminal or specified critical illness if included) and meets our definition during the length of the policy.
Please provide your email address in order that we can confirm your quotation in writing.
We may contact you to assist with your Life insurance quotation. Please provide your telephone number if you consent to us calling you to discuss.
Please enter your height (without shoes)
Please enter your weight (wearing indoor clothes)
A smoker is someone who has smoked any cigarettes, cigars, a pipe, used e-cigarettes (whether or not they contain nicotine), or used nicotine replacements at all in the last 12 months.
If you have smoked any cigarettes, cigars, a pipe, used e-cigarettes (whether or not they contain nicotine), or used nicotine replacements at all in the last 12 months you are classified as a smoker
For example, a drink is a glass of wine or a glass or bottle of beer.
Please use the size from the most recent clothing purchase you made for yourself.
Please use the size from the most recent clothing purchase you made for yourself. If you're pregnant, please advise your size prior to this pregnancy.
Please ignore birthmarks where no treatment or specialist referral has been advised.
Please ignore routine cervical smears if the results have been normal. Please ignore birthmarks where no treatment or specialist referral has been advised.
You can ignore one off parachute jumps
You can ignore travel as a member of the Armed Forces
We'll only use the answer to this question to assess your application and at claim stage. Therefore there are no 'legal implications' in answering yes to this question.
Please include any applications being made to another insurer but ignore cover that will be cancelled if this policy goes ahead.
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